Personio WordPress plugin: Shortcodes
The following shortcodes can be used in the plugin to display vacancies imported into the WordPress project on the website.

Structure of the shortcodes
With Github the possible shortcodes are always up-to-date. The page here serves
only the overview.
The plugin provides 2 shortcodes for the output of Personio jobs on the website. Except for one, all parameters on both shortcodes are optional. If a parameter is not specified on the shortcode, the settings for templates from the plugin settings apply.
Shortcode for a list view
Example of the structure of the shortcode for a list view:
[personioPositions lang="en" showfilter="1" filter="recruitingCategory,schedule" filtertype="linklist" templates="title,excerpt" excerpt="recruitingCategory,schedule" sort="asc" sortby="title"]
Shortcode for a single view
[personioPosition lang="en" templates="title,content,form" id="42"]
Extract of the available parameters
- Defines the output language
- must be a language supported by the plugin
- is specified as a 2-character value, e.g. "it" for Italian
- Example:
[personioPositions lang="en"]
- Only available for list view
- Value 1 to activate filter view
- Value 0 to deactivate filter view
- The content of the filter is defined in the "filter" parameter
- Only available for list view
- Defines which filters are displayed
- Available values are shown separated by commas:
- recruitingCategory => for the category
- schedule
- occupationCategory
- department
- employmenttype
- seniority
- schedule
- experience
- Only available for list view
- Defines how the filter view is displayed
- Only one of the following values may be specified:
- linklist
- selectbox
- Defines the structure of the template for a job
- Available values are shown separated by commas:
- title => for the title of the job
- excerpt => for the list of categories to which the job is assigned
- content => for the description text of the job
- form => for the link to the application form
- meta => only available in Pro version if SEO is activated
- Defines which categories are displayed as a section at the location
- Available values are shown separated by commas:
- recruitingCategory => for the category
- schedule
- occupationCategory
- department
- employmenttype
- seniority
- schedule
- experience
- Only available for list view
- Defines the sort order for the positions in the list
- Only one of the following values may be specified:
- asc => for ascending
- desc => for descending
- Only available for list view
- Defines the value by which the list of jobs is to be sorted
- Only one of the following values may be specified:
- title => after the title of the job
- date => after the date on which the post was imported into WordPress
- Only available for list view
- restricts the view to the specified PersonioIDs
- which IDs are available can be seen in the "PersonioId" column in the "Vacancies" list
- only mandatory field for shortcodes
- only available for detail view
- Determines which specific position is displayed
- which IDs are available can be seen in the "PersonioId" column in the "Vacancies" list
Practical shortcode examples
List without filter & with title & description text per position
[personioPositions templates="title,content"]
List with filter & title & excerpt per position
[personioPositions showfilter="1" filter="recruitingCategory,schedule" templates="title,excerpt"]
Single view of a job with title, content & application link
[personioPosition id="42" templates="title,content,form"]